The University Philosophical Foundation
Philosophical Foundation
Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany
Hasso Plattner Institute is a University based in Potsdam, Germany. The Hasso Plattner Institute (Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Digital Engineering GmbH), abbreviated HPI, is a German information technology and engineering institute and facultyof the University of Potsdam located in Potsdamnear Berlin. The teaching and research of HPI are focused on “IT-Systems Engineering”.
HPI was founded in 1998 and is the first, and as of 2021 the only entirely privately funded faculty in Germany offering their students unique, practice- oriented and innovation-oriented courses in the field of IT system technology and data engineering.
It is financed entirely through private funds donated by billionaire Hasso Plattner, who co-founded the software company SAP SE, and is currently the chairman of SAP’s supervisory board. The present Director and CEO of HPI is Christoph Meinel. Since 2007, the HPI maintains a particularly close cooperation with the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, part of Stanford University’s School of Engineering.
He’ Cultural Institute,The People’s Republic of China
The He’ Cultural Institute of The People’s Republic of China was founded by Professor Kou BeiChen based on the ancient principles of “He” (Harmony) found in the practices and lives of the Ancient Chinese civilization and people.
He’ is the yearning of the people around the world for better and happier life. It is a symbol of human civilization; a driving force for social progress; a requirement for a prosperous organization; the existence of a happy family; and is the prerequisite ladder for personal growth and progress.
In today’s turbulent world and development of global economic integration, “He” is the golden key to the survival and development of human beings.
The Founder, Professor Kou is the representative of the new era where he expanded the He’ principles into the active practices of sharing and harmony for the future of mankind. The research of He’ philosophy now puts forward the principles of “harmony leading to life; disharmony leads to restraints and harms; five “do-not harm”, beneficial, symbiosis, coexistence and mutually beneficial for the ultimate balanced, well-being, prosperity and happiness of all mankind.
The principles of He’ may be applied into any governance system that helps creates “harmony” to the world; from countries, military, diplomacy, politics, economy, organizations, cultural, down to families and individuals.